I help ambitious professionals advance their careers with podcasting

Over 800+ professionals have taken their careers to the next level with the Podcast Launch Strategy.
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Chris's career since starting podcasting has exploded thanks to the trust of the below companies. 

The Journey

When I left my career as a chef in Dec 2018, I went on a crazy journey from joining a network marketing company and completely failing at it to volunteering as youth mentor during COVID to mentor young children aged 11-16 and then fast forward to 2021, starting a podcast. Enjoy the blasts from the past.

"I believe that if you are not happy with your life, you can change it by creating it. Don't wait for things to come to you, go after it and get it yourself. If I can do it, so can you." 

My Story

Chris Cownden as a chef Chris Cownden as a chef

Double Ankle Surgery Got Me Here!

From age 15 to 23, I travelled the world cooking internationally as a chef working for top chefs like Shane Delia at Maha Restaurant in Melbourne and prestigious 5 star hotels like the White Barn Inn in Kennebunkport. I left for personal health reasons and kickstarted my new career in tech & marketing in 2021 after launching a podcast. That same podcast got me hired at AppSumo.  

Chris Cownden, Podcast Launch Agency

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Check out the latest podcasts that Chris has helped launch. 

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